Jackie Magazine was one of the most influential magazines of its time. Sadly it’s time was not my time. More my mothers childhood friend than mine. However as a journalist I found myself eager to go along to an event celebrating its reign over teenage girls lives.
Something I was unaware of was ‘Jackie The Musical’ which had been touring for some time. On stage was actress and star of the show Janet Dibley, along with former Jackie editor Nina Myskow. Together they had a comprehensive view of Jackie in its prime, something the audience members weren’t lacking.

Having a mother who was a teenager in the 70s, I was no stranger to this time, the music, the clothes and the pin ups. I lost count of how many times Donny Osmand was mentioned in the hour. But the audience loved it. All women as you may of guessed, most from the time of Jackie’s peak, in fact I was the only person in there under 40. For them, this event was escapism from the 21st century; even more ironic then, that the women next to me spent most of the time texting.
The words ‘Cathy and Claire’ created a ripple around the around the room and the pull out posters were given the title of ‘highlight of the week’. It was clear it was a real nostalgic treat – and that was lovely. However, I do just have a few qualms with some of the things said.
I felt some of the statements said about the younger generations were a little harsh. Apparently we only wanted technology and didn’t appreciate the written word, I used to love my magazine subscriptions and always had my head in a book, and still do for that matter.
Another topic brought up during the Q&A was how kids try to imitate the famous, seeing models in magazines as reality, and reading Cosmo as gospel. When in fact, there are so many intelligent and insightful people in my generation, its a generation that is progressive and open minded about so many areas, from gender and sexuality to role models and body shapes.
Not often I do such a mixed review, apologies for the rant-esque ending.
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